Thursday, November 20, 2014

Hasta Ver

This last week, one of our conversos recientes was feeling really down. It's been a little rough start for him in the church and he was feeling a little disanimado. While we we talking to him, I was thinking a lot about the beginning of my mission when I first got to Argentina and how it was hard. I couldn't understand anyone and everything was WAY different. I kind of got a little unexcited at first because it was something really new and weird. I'm so grateful that I stuck it out to the end because of all the things I've learned, all the amazing experiences I had, the happiness I've experienced, all the people I've met and all the blessings that I've received and will continue to receive. It's the same concept. We have to stick it out through the rough patches before we get the blessing and see results. Ether 12:6:

"And now, I, Moroni, would speak somewhat concerning these things; I would show unto the world that faith is things which are hoped for and not seen; wherefore, dispute not because ye see not, for ye receive no witness until AFTER the trial of your faith."

Thank you for all of your support throughout my whole mission. I have loved hearing from you all every week!!!!!!! I especially want to thank you all for your prayers. Thank you for keeping me in mind. There were many times as a missionary when I literally felt those prayers.

I think the hardest part about being a missionary is leaving the people you love so much when it's over. I absolutely love the people in Argentina. Sarah mentioned the scripture in Doctrine and Covenants this last week that I love and have been thinking about as well. D&C 18:15. "And if it so be that you should labor all your days in crying repentance unto this people, and bring, save it be one soul unto me, how great shall be your joy with him in the kingdom of my Father!"  I know this is SO TRUE. I have received that joy as I've become converted myself and as I've seen people change and helped them come unto Christ.
I know the church is true.
I know Jesus Christ is my savior. That through his atonement, we can return to live with God.
I know that through the priesthood of God, we can be sealed in the temple and be eternal families.
I know the Book of Mormon is the word of God. The most special and correct book in the world. That the Book of Mormon has the answers to our questions and opens the door to personal revelation.
I know God listens to our prayers. What's important to us is important to him.
Thank you thank you thank you for everything. I'm so excited to see you all!!!!!!
Mucho amor,
Hermana Peterson

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Representative of Jesus Christ

I love being a missionary. I love it. It´s like being superman. All day we go around saving souls and helping God´s children. Day after day we pray to be instruments in His hands and He leads us to people that need help, to people that are praying for hope and relief. There is nothing more amazing or more satisfying than seeing someone's life change for the better and seeing them baptized in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The only baptism that leads to the Kingdom of God.

Some of the things that I´m gonna miss more than anything in the world: The moments when we meet someone and after talking for 2 minutes they tell us their desires, their hopes, their dreams and their problems because they know as representatives of Jesus Christ we have answers and solutions. Or teaching someone how to pray and listening to the first prayer they will ever offer. Being lead time and time again to people that tell us, "I was praying for someone to come." Seeing lives change. Seeing people be baptized and confirmed. Learning with someone as they read the Book of Mormon stories for the first time. Teaching the PLAN OF SALVATION and that each of us can live with our family forever. 

Jesus Christ is absolutely ESSENTIAL in the Plan of God. Without Him, there´s no way we could live with God again. The Atonement IS REAL. It´s possible to change. The Atonement is for everyone. I´ve seen it in the lives of my investigators and converts and especially in my life. I´m so grateful that we can repent. 

I´m here in Argentina because I know that all this is true. It would be selfish to keep it to myself. I came with the purpose to help people have the same happiness that I have through living the Gospel of Jesus Christ. To help people receive all the blessings that God has for them. It´s humbling to know that God trusts me with his children. God trusts me to find, teach and baptize His children who are looking for the truth. 

I love this Gospel. I love being a representative of Jesus Christ.

Hermana Peterson

Monday, November 3, 2014

Halloween as a Missionary

Oh. man. Where to start.

Halloween. When we went to teach the family Aramburu we had it all planned out that we were going to show them, "The Restoration." The video of the first vision. It's about 20 minutes long. When we got there we realized that we hardly had any time and we had to hurry to another appointment so we could make it home in time. They pulled out their TV and everything so we felt like we needed to still watch something.

The Restoration is on a CD that has a ton of other videos and clips and while we were skipping through the other clips we saw a clip that was a lot shorter and the title said something about Joseph Smith. We had never seen it before! So we clicked on it instead... 

Hahahaha. It starts out with the death of Joseph Smith, so it´s SUPER CREEPY at the beginning. I just looked over at my companion and tried realllly hard not to laugh. It really was like Halloween!

The good thing is that after the creepy part, it talks about all the blessings that we have thanks to the restored gospel and Joseph Smith, which lead to a really great talk about the temple and how we are trying to help them become an eternal family.  :)  

They weren´t too traumatized because they came to church! So all is well. 

Always an adventure. 

Maria de los Angeles is 8 years old and she is ADORABLE! She came to church yesterday all by herself! The ward is preparing to have their primary program the week after I leave!! So sad I won´t be here. She has her own little part and they are going to sing I´m a Child of God in Russian. But she is preparing to be baptized on the 15th!!!! So I´m excited about that.

Pray for her!!!!!

Hermana Peterson

Friday, October 31, 2014

So Content

This week we taught Gustavo, a menos activo. We invited him to read his Book of Mormon everyday and he kept telling us, "There´s no way hermanas. I´m way too busy. There´s no way I can comprometerme to read the Book of Mormon every day and follow all these commandments." We told him, "Just a verse a day; it is nothing!" But he was convinced that there was no way that he could read a verse a day. So, trying to make a point, I flipped open the Book of Mormon to have him read one verse to see that it would take less than 30 seconds to read a scripture and think about it. He picked a scripture on the page and read, "Those that keep the commandments of God will prosper in the land." Haha! We were laughing way hard. 

Julio got baptized this Saturday :) 
The best part is his sister is a member, menos activa. He had no idea until he invited her to the baptism that she was a member and now she wants to come to church and her kids want to be baptized! We won´t be teaching them but they will come to our branch :) 

I wish I could explain the change in Julio´s life. I wish you could see how happy he is now compared to before! I know the gospel blesses lives!!! I know that when we keep the commandments we are happy! Sometimes it might seem like the commandments are a long list of things we can´t do, but I know that when we keep the commandments, we "prosper in the land."

I´m so grateful for this opportunity I have to be a missionary. There is nothing more rewarding. I wish that everyone could experience this. 

Read your scriptures!!!!!!!!!!!
At least a verse a day. Porfavor.
Hermana Peterson

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Mobster to Mormon

It was so great to talk to you guys yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for hurrying home to be able to skype with me:)  You all look great :) 

I feel like I pretty much covered all the basics of the week yesterday. So, there aren´t really a ton of stories to tell.

The music show for the rama turned out really good. We had a couple of investigators come and they had a really great time :) They needed a few more people to perform and a guy in our rama brought this cool violin with a lion head... so, I obviously couldn´t pass up the opportunity the play it! haha, my camera died! So I didn´t get a picture of it :/  I just played a little fiddle song that was like 30 seconds long, no mas, and since then, everyone that we have visited has pulled out their phone to show us their recording. haha! So maybe you will get to see it on Facebook.

Julio is a CHAMP. He stopped smoking and drinking, is cruising right along living the gospel and being a missionary while he´s at it! Yesterday he brought a friend to church with him :) 

This last week we had a charla with Julio about Alma the Younger and his experiencia with repentance. I LOVE that in the Book of Mormon there are so many examples of the love God and Jesus Christ have for us. Alma the Younger was among the VILEST of sinners and received forgiveness. The Atonement is something that I don´t think we will ever really understand exactly, but I know that people can change because of it. I know that it´s possible to be better people. I know that it´s possible to be happier people- through Jesus Christ. It´s been so cool to see Julio change his life and become happy!

It´s such a blessing that we don´t have to be the same people for the rest of our lives. We don´t have to keep making the same mistakes. I´m so grateful for that!  

Pray for Julio!

Mucho amor!
Hermana Peterson

Taking His Yoke Upon Us

October 13, 2014


Well, I can skype you guys on Sunday. :) It sounds like you will be driving though???? It´s Mother´s Day in Argentina and this year we are all allowed to skype on Sunday. We will probably skype at 7 or 8 pm our time. I don´t know if it would be possible to talk to you guys then?????????? That would be 4 or 5 pm your time?? or California time?? No idea. haha 

We have so many awesome investigators. We are teaching this family that was a referencia de members in our rama. They have a son who has 10 years that has this enfermidad. One day he was normal and the next he couldn't move or talk or see. Before this happened, the mom didn´t believe in God and the family didn´t really care about religion. Now they accept every religious person that comes to their house. They really are looking for a miracle or some kind of relief. They are up day and night taking turns taking care of him and helping him and watching him. Their 2 daughters came to the conferencia and loved it! They could use your prayers :) 

I know that when we take the yoke of Christ upon us our burdens are lifted.

I love being a missionary. I love the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I love being here in Argentina and teaching the people this message of hope! This is the greatest gift I could ever give anyone. I´m so grateful for all your love and support. All of your letters and prayers. All of your spiritual thoughts and scriptures that keep me going :) Thank you!

Tons of love!!!!!
Hermana Peterson

Monday, October 6, 2014


The guy that said the closing prayer for the Saturday morning session prayed for all the missionaries. I´m so grateful for those prayers and for all of your prayers. Seriously. I FEEL those prayers. 

This week we had the cutest little FHE with the family Bertinat. Hermana Bertinat. Her husband and 3 children and daughter-in-law are all menos activos. She feeds the missionaries every Friday, comes out with us to teach, does family history, reads the Book of Mormon everyday and goes to church every week by herself. She is such an example to me. 

For FHE we talked about profetas to prepare and invite all of her family to the conferencia. And after the lesson we played a game. ALL of her family was there together and everyone participated and Hermana Bertinat seemed so happy. We wrote out a little program for her husband and taught him how to conduct the Family Home Evening. And guess who came to the Sunday Morning Session of Conference??? Hermano Bertinat, her husband. How special that must have been for her to go and be able to sit with her husband and not alone or with another family. 

I know Pres. Monson is the living prophet that receives revelation directamente de Dios. I know the Book of Mormon is the Word of God translated by Joseph Smith and that through him Christ could put his priesthood here on the Earth again. I know the Church of Jesus Cristo of Latter day Saints is the same church that Jesus establicio when He was here. 

Love you all!
Hermana Peterson

Selfie with the cookies that saved our life during conference. When our investigators have little kids we prepare ourselves with these galletitas to give to the crazy children. 

Me and my companion, Hermana Lanfranco. And the Little TV for the US missionaries watching conference in English!